Representing Pittwater Community Alliance (PCA) Gavin Butler & Glen Moore from the NRA together with other representatives of PCA at their request met with a number of NBC officers who are members of a committee that consists of  a group of northern and north-western councils undertaking a study of the Nepean Catchment. The study is to identify risks to the surrounding areas that have waterways that form the Nepean Catchment including Broken Bay & Pittwater. The outgoing government created the directive for the establishment of this waterways group.

A meeting was held in May 2023 to introduce the topic and the NRA elected to be involved to understand and have input on any matters that related to Pittwater or the Pittwater Waterways Strategy previously undertaken by NBC.

Meeting 19th October 2023 between Northern Beach Council & Pittwater Community Alliance re Pittwater Waterway Strategy and the Coastal Management Program

Our recent meeting with council on the the Pittwater Waterway Strategy and the Coastal Management Program listed amongst its actions for PCA members to provide input on a signage program designed to help protect endangered populations of Posidonia australis in Pittwater. There is quite a lot of material about the role of this sea grass in helping with water quality and sequestering carbon if anyone is interested.

We attach two pages provided by council covering signage content , target audience and proposed locations

We have been asked to provide any comments which would be most appropriately sent by individual associations rather than back through PCA central.

Responses can be sent to us at the NRA or directly to Ben Fallowfield —-

Copy presentation of the 19th October 2023

Threatened Species Notes & Signage